Context of Startle

From the time of the earliest contacts, Europeans were amazed by the artistic and architectural achievements of the Northwest coast Indians. “What must astonish most,” wrote a French explorer in 1791, “is to see painting everywhere, everywhere sculpture, among a nation of hunters.” At about the same time, Native Americans on the coast and in the valleys of what is now California were clustering in villages of about a hundred people to coordinate the processing of acorns.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of synonyms?

Examples with Startle

In the summer of 2017, Amazon’s unexpected purchase of Whole Foods for $14 billion, which startled many due to its bold venture into physical retail, was nearly a watershed moment, though it didn’t quite reach that status.


Upon her return to retrieve the hogfish, she was startled by the discovery that it had transformed its color to precisely match the white deck, complete with small black circles resembling the textured floor.


The economy’s anticipated 30 percent shrinkage this year, as stated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is enough to startle many, potentially triggering global inflation and amplifying worries about recession and job losses.


The sports league is moving up its annual Christmas break to start this Wednesday, two days earlier than originally scheduled, in response to a startling increase in COVID-19 cases that forced 10 out of the 32 teams to suspend their activities.


In “The Last of Us,” two episodes ago, Joel and Ellie got startled when they thought they saw a group of bad guys wandering around the made-up University of Eastern Colorado campus.



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