Context of Separate

What of Egyptian geometry? The Egyptians did not separate arith­metic and geometry. We find problems from both fields in the papyri. Like the Babylonians, the Egyptians regarded geometry as a practical tool. One merely applied arithmetic and algebra to the problems involving areas, volumes, and other geometrical situations. Egyptian geometry is said by Herodotus to have originated in the need created by the annual overflow of the Nile to redetermine the boundaries of the lands owned by the farmers.

The word “separate” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Separate

As people interacted with ChatGPT, they assessed its responses, separating the ones they considered useful and truthful from those they deemed otherwise.


Their technique, which involves using pattern-filtering methods, helped them separate changes in the climate caused by human emissions from those that occurred without human influence.


By setting up your business as a limited liability company or an S corporation, you can use payroll to pay yourself and find it easier to separate your business and personal expenses.


He is part of a contemporary cohort of safeties in the league who exhibit physical traits akin to cornerbacks while demonstrating the playing style of linebackers, thereby challenging the conventional boundaries that separate traditional defensive roles.


A few years ago, guitarist Steve Van Zandt emphasized to me that within the realm of rock ‘n’ roll bands, the defining factor that separates exceptional from average lies in the sense of “energy.”

–Arts and Culture


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