Context of Prosper

Facing intense competition for acorns, California Indians combined their villages into chiefdoms and defended their territories. Chiefs conducted trade, diplomacy, war, and religious ceremonies. Along with other wild species, acorns enabled the Indians of California to prosper. As a Spanish friar arriving from Mexico in 1770 wrote, “This land exceeds all the preceding territory in fertility and abundance of things necessary for sustenance.”

Which of the following is the Antonyms of the word “prosper” in the passage?

Examples with Prosper

In California, the state where both Uber and Lyft originated and initially prospered, there’s a growing demand for these companies to fundamentally reshape their business models.


During the first half of the 20th century, even paleontologists clung to the notion of an enduring reptilian era, questioning why these peculiar, scaly creatures prospered for an extended period while mammals seemed to be in the background.


As policymakers reshape economies in response to the challenge posed by climate change, companies are feeling the pressure from investors to make sure their businesses can prosper in the global transition to a low-carbon economy.


While striving for constructive amendments that support the expansion of football in other regions, the Nordic football associations are determined to see the sport prosper, all the while safeguarding the successful developments in European football.


Amid the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, a number of independent bookstores prospered, their tales of success shining brightly in contrast to the prevailing gloom.



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