Context of Perceptible

Harmony is often less immediately recognizable than melody, but its effects are powerful and discernible even by those without the language to describe them. Interestingly, harmony is not a requirement of music, and many musical practices throughout history and around the globe are not harmonic in the way that Western tonal music is. Musical systems that depend upon improvisation, such as Indian and Middle Eastern, lack a focus on harmony in the Western sense, and early music from many places around the globe, including the West, do not depend upon it.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of Synonyms?

Examples with Perceptible

The ProMotion feature, Apple’s variable refresh rate system allowing display speeds between 24 to 120Hz, is barely perceptible to the human eye in person.


The anticipated substantial decline in global greenhouse gas emissions this year is unlikely to have a readily perceptible impact on the atmosphere, as indicated by the latest analysis from the Global Carbon Project.


Equilar, an executive data firm, has reported perceptible strides in gender diversity among boards of companies on the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index, according to a recent study.


As the match progressed, the tangible effects of the coach’s strategic modifications became increasingly perceptible in the synchronized movements and enhanced synergy among the players, signaling a notable evolution in their overall performance on the field.


The countercultural shifts depicted on screen may possess a perceptible “frozen-in-time” quality, but what’s more noticeable to modern audiences is how Seitz’s notion applies behind the camera.

–Arts and Culture


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