Context of Multitude

Yet humans were so few in number that they had no significant impact on the bison population before the arrival of Europeans. There are no reliable estimates of the number of buffalo then roaming the Plains, but the earliest European observers were amazed. One Spanish colonist, for example, reported a “multitude so great that it might be considered a falsehood by one who had not seen them.”

The word “multitude” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Multitude

Numerous sources, including The New York Times, Wired, and investigations conducted by platform creators, have unveiled a multitude of issues. These concerns encompass the existence of individuals with harmful intentions who misuse the comment sections of videos featuring children by posting unsettling messages.


Throughout history, scientific breakthroughs are frequently simplified by crediting one individual, often a man. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to recognize that this individual’s achievements relied on a multitude of foundational components.


Found guilty on Monday, Holmes was convicted of misleading investors by falsely representing that Theranos had invented a groundbreaking medical device capable of detecting a multitude of diseases and conditions with just a few drops of blood.


After Allen suffered a season-ending ankle injury, Smith once again took on the starting role, culminating a two-year recovery journey following a broken leg that required a multitude of surgical procedures.


His literary contributions encompass 44 novels and over 100 short stories, exploring a multitude of science fiction themes, ranging from space exploration and time travel to alternate history, telepathy, and the effects of psychoactive substances.

–Arts and Culture


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