Context of Metaphysical

They possessed some numerical and what we would call algebraic skill in the solution of special equations of high degree, but on the whole their arithmetic and algebra were very elementary. Though they worked with concrete numbers and problems, they evidenced a partial grasp of abstract mathematics in their recognition that some procedures were typical of certain classes of equations.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of Antonyms?

Examples with Metaphysical

In the recent discourse surrounding Elon Musk and Bill Gates, various unrelated narratives have emerged over the past day or two. However, an intriguing observation made by TC Sottek on Twitter suggests that despite their technical disconnection, these narratives may hold an interconnectedness at a deeper, metaphysical level.


Understanding how non-scientific Americans view evolution as a metaphysical concept is a crucial starting point in addressing America’s longstanding reluctance to accept evolution.


He contributed an article to Harvard Business Review discussing strategy versus execution and is soon starting a lengthy research project on the future of democratic capitalism, a study that holds such strategic significance it borders on exploring metaphysical aspects.


In cricket, the concept of the metaphysical is integrated with the concrete regulations: The “Spirit of Cricket” dictates that the game be played not only within the defined laws but also in alignment with its deeper values and principles of fair play.


The interconnected works delve into intricate scientific and metaphysical realms that have captivated McCarthy’s long-standing interests, encompassing quantum physics, the philosophy of mathematics, and theories surrounding consciousness’ nature.

–Arts and Culture


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