Context of Leach

At about the same time, Native Americans on the coast and in the valleys of what is now California were clustering in villages of about a hundred people to coordinate the processing of acorns. After gathering millions of acorns from California’s extensive oak groves each fall, tribal peoples such as the Chumash and Ohlones ground the acorns into meal, leached them of their bitter tannic acid, and then roasted, boiled, or baked them prior to storage.

Examples with Leach

When using copper for cooking or heating water, it is essential to have a lining in place, as acids have the potential to leach copper into the food, rendering it unsafe for consumption.


The potential threats to plants and wildlife primarily stem from sulfide ores, which contain substances such as copper and nickel that have the capacity to leach sulfuric acid and heavy metals into the environment.


Having two young children, the couple held concerns over the presence of pollutants, including heavy metals and plastics, within Phoenix’s aquifers, and the potential for unknown substances to leach into their tap water from their aging 80-year-old pipes.



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