Context of Interval

The 365-day year was divided into 1 2 months of 30 days, plus 5 extra days at the end. Because the Egyptians did not intercalate the additional day every four years, the civil calendar lost all relation to the seasons. It takes 1460 years for the calendar to set itself right again; this interval is known as the Sothic cycle, from the Egyptian name for Sirius. Whether the Egyptians knew of the Sothic cycle is open to question.

The word “interval” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Interval

Beginning February 9th, both smartwatches will offer new health and fitness features such as personalized interval training, sleep coaching, and the ability to set body composition goals.


Their study involved over four million individuals, and it specifically examined the time interval between infection and the potential increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


Behavioral psychologists have long understood that gambling utilizes variable reinforcement schedules—unpredictable intervals of uncertainty, anticipation, and feedback—to condition players into continuing the gameplay, often prompting them to seek just one more round.


Buses arrived at regular intervals on Wednesday, dropping off groups of competitors in front of unremarkable doors, while preparations continued for the start of the Olympic judo competition on Saturday.


Employing solfege in song instruction, as opposed to relying on the lyrics, facilitates a clearer apprehension of musical patterns, intervals, and song structure. This approach directs attention to the music itself, minimizing the influence of lyrical content.

–Arts and Culture


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