Context of Incredulity

They showed that the evidence for the British intelligence officers’ belief at the time was not completely unreasonable but that it was far short of conclusive. And they revealed that the American intelligence experts had doubts that the report was true. Given these facts, how are we to determine whether Bush lied? It isn’t a question of whether he was unwise in putting credence in British intelligence, or of whether he made a calculated risk based on uncertain information. It’s a question of whether he was dishonest in how he conveyed this part of his rationale for the invasion to the world. And this question hinges on the semantics of one of those sixteen words, the verb learn.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of Antonyms?

Examples with Incredulity

Recently, Samsung has conducted briefings on the case, clearly expressing their incredulity at Apple’s ability to patent a specific shape in the design patent.


A decade ago, when Brangwynne and his team released their paper, the response from biologists ranged from complete incredulity to optimism for a novel research direction.


Numerous executives in television and advertising voiced varying levels of anger and incredulity, both at the inaccurate ratings and the lengthy duration of seven months it took to identify the issue.


In the sports world, fans and commentators alike expressed incredulity when an underdog team triumphed over the top-ranked squad, overturning expectations and rewriting the season’s narrative.


The most notable criticism of Mr. Yang has arisen from the Asian-American community, with some members expressing both incredulity and deep disappointment at how he has addressed racial issues throughout his campaign.

–Arts and Culture


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