Context of Impart

Tonality can be subdivided in a number of ways, but one important division is the one between major and minor tonalities, two organizing modes that can carry specific associations and can impart very distinct inflections. While there is nothing inherently happy or sad about music composed in a major or minor mode, associations of happiness and brightness are often attached to the major mode while associations of sadness and darkness are attached to the minor.

The word “impart” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Impart

The human resources department allegedly rebuked an employee who had emailed a list seeking advice on how to impart “traditional gender roles and patriarchy from a very young age” to their child.


To ensure accurate material measurements, we handle detector samples with care, minimizing any unnecessary motion or interaction that could impart contamination and compromise the integrity of our results.


Abandoning network neutrality, as mentioned in a letter to EU officials by European Digital Rights and other net-advocacy groups, means losing a basic human right: the freedom to impart and get information without any interference.


Players were reminded by the five-time NBA champion that this season offered them the chance to “write their own script,” underscoring the importance of imparting the essential values for success.


In “Dune,” the actor showcases notable moments, especially in an early scene with Rampling’s Reverend Mother, where Chalamet skillfully imparts a palpable sense of bewildered vulnerability, both mentally and physically.

–Arts and Culture


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