Context of Hinge upon

The basic building blocks of Western music hinge upon tonality, a structure for organizing musical sounds into music. Tonality may be defined as a musical system revolving around a single tone or note, which functions as a center of gravity: it is a focal point around which the rest of the notes are organized and which serves as the place where a piece of music begins and ends.

The phrase “hinge upon” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Hinge upon

Their groundbreaking innovation distinctly hinges upon the utilization of “electrowetting,” a technique that involves applying an electric charge to alter the shape of a droplet of conductive liquid placed on an electrode.


The situation for education professionals and students becomes challenging as their success and funding hinge upon test scores, often leading to a shift in focus away from authentic learning.


It’s crucial to understand that in the British referendum campaign, the primary focus will hinge upon determining what works best for Britain, considering its unique needs and concerns, rather than giving top priority to the broader interests of all of Europe.


Arsenal’s potential to win a trophy hinges upon their performance against Swansea and their upcoming match against Bayern in Europe, with Wenger emphasizing the need for improved pressure management.


It’s worth noting that the return of Queer Eye to television coincides with a time when the significance of on-screen queer representation no longer solely hinges upon the show’s existence.

–Arts and Culture


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