Context of Eternal

On the Northwest coast, from the Alaskan geographic area to northern California, and in the Columbia Plateau, Native Americans devoted brief periods of each year to catching salmon and other spawning fish, which they dried and stored in quantities sufficient to last the year. As a result, their seasonal movements gave way to a settled lifestyle in ______ villages. From there they had ready access not only to fish in both rivers and the ocean but also to whales and other sea mammals, shell-fish, land mammals, and wild plants.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

Examples with Eternal

Within the realm of software platforms, an eternal cycle persists where Apple’s innovative concepts frequently migrate to Android, while it is highly probable that the forthcoming iOS iteration will incorporate some elements inspired by Android.


Hawking‘s groundbreaking revelation that black holes, far from being eternal, undergo a profoundly protracted process of evaporation, has left the physics community grappling with its intricate and enduring implications.


Within Steve Jobs’ legacy lies the eternal question: Is being a jerk an eternal feature or an intrinsic flaw of individuals in roles like entrepreneurs, CEOs, and leaders?


The NFL’s clever advertising and the eternal optimism of football fans are reflected in the draft, which always gives hope for the future, regardless of how badly your team did last season.


In a 1996 interview concerning “Super Mario 64,” a game that set the stage for all future 3D interactive entertainment, he expressed his “eternal theme for game design” as the concept of allowing players to “fashion their unique vision.”



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