Context of Dread

Closely connected with astronomy was astrology. In Babylonia, as in many ancient civilizations, the heavenly bodies were thought to be gods and so were presumed to have influence and even control over the affairs of man. When one takes into account the importance of the sun for light, heat, and the growth of plants, the dread inspired by its eclipses, and such seasonal phenomena as the mating of animals, one can well understand the belief that the heavenly bodies do affect even the daily events in man’s life.

The word “dread” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Dread

The heightened dread and apprehension resulting from SVB’s collapse are now becoming evident in the initiation of start-up deals across Silicon Valley.


Many Americans unfamiliar with the dread of this concerning illness need guidance on safeguarding themselves and their young children, especially considering the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on many kids.


The uncertainty surrounding the upcoming merger filled the shareholders with dread, leading to tension and unease among the company’s leaders as they navigated the unpredictable market.


Over the past two seasons, the pandemic restricted fan attendance at games, leading to a sense of worry and dread regarding an upcoming labor dispute anticipated to be challenging.


The horror films I favored this year diverged from extravagant effects, choosing a subtler method that evoked profound feelings of dread and discomfort through gradual suspense and unsettling instances of silence.

–Arts and Culture


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