Context of Coarse

All evaluation implies some sort of standard. It may be unfair but it is natural to compare the two civilizations with the Greek, which succeeded them. By this standard the Egyptians and Babylonians were crude carpenters, whereas the Greeks were magnificent architects. One does find more favor­able, even laudatory, descriptions of the Babylonian and Egyptian achieve­ments. But these are made by specialists who become, perhaps unconsciously, over-impressed by their own field of interest.

Which of the following Two words in the passage are a pair of Antonyms?

Examples with Coarse

Google finds fixed categories like “productivity” and “games” too coarse and inflexible to accurately encompass the evolving nuances in the app world, leading to the creation of unique peer groups for each app.


The term “coarse particles” refers to those with diameters ranging from 2.5 to 10 micrometers, including examples such as wind-blown dust, fly ash, and particles originating from animals or plants.


An emerging trend toward more straightforward or what some criticize as coarser and vulgar language in advertisements is attributed partly to the niche-oriented nature of platforms like Oxygen.


On Monday, the NBA fined Wittman for employing coarse language as he attributed the Wizards’ first two losses to a defensive commitment lapse on Friday.


The person imitating the 17th-century Dutch artist failed in their attempt, resulting in an image with a coarse finish, which contrasts with Vermeer’s reputation for creating smooth surfaces that established him as one of history’s finest painters.

–Arts and Culture


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