Context of Cluster
From the time of the earliest contacts, Europeans were amazed by the artistic and architectural achievements of the Northwest coast Indians. “What must astonish most,” wrote a French explorer in 1791, “is to see painting everywhere, everywhere sculpture, among a nation of hunters.” At about the same time, Native Americans on the coast and in the valleys of what is now California were clustering in villages of about a hundred people to coordinate the processing of acorns.
Examples with Cluster
Late into the night, state television broadcasted the sight of individuals clustering in the streets of Marrakech, their reluctance to return indoors driven by concerns about the potential instability of the buildings.
Public education officials frequently mention students gathering at fast-food restaurants or coffee shops, where they cluster together to take advantage of free WiFi in order to complete their assignments due to the absence of internet connectivity at home.
Ho’oleilana, a name inspired by the Hawaiian creation chant Kumulipo, is given to the structure where a group of galaxies clusters around a massive spherical void located just 820 million light-years away from the Milky Way.
In the world of recommendations, your identity is defined by the people you cluster with, and Likewise employs this information to place you within a “cluster,” representing a group of individuals who cluster together due to their akin tastes and preferences.