Context of Blot out

The Egyptians arrived at their estimate of the length of the solar year by observing the star Sirius. On one day in the summer this star became visible on the horizon just before sunrise. On succeeding days it was visible for a longer time before the suns growing light blotted it out. The first day on which it was visible just before sunrise was known as the heliacal rising of Sirius, and the interval between two such days was about 365 1 /4 days ; so the Egyptians adopted, supposedly in 4241 B.C., a civil calendar of 365 days for the year.

The phrase “blot out” in the passage is closest in meaning to?

Examples with Blot out

The company’s effort to evade image noise occasionally results in sacrificing detail, inadvertently blotting out aspects that other cameras maintain.


From the perspective of our solar system, WASP-96b transits its star every three and a half days, momentarily blotting out a fraction of starlight as it crosses the star’s surface.


Since the mid-’90s, the term “spam” has been a contentious issue as chat-room users flooded computer screens with this word to blot out the comments of users they didn’t like.


Tiger Woods, the towering figure in golf who can sometimes blot out the sun with his presence, consistently captured the headlines, regardless of his preference for attention.


In this matter that transcends Islamic intolerance, there are attempts by fundamentalist Christians to ban books in schools, while ultra-Orthodox Jews engage in blotting out women’s faces from newspaper photos.

–Arts and Culture


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