Take into account

Take into account

–Take into account | Image by freepik


Often when developing accessibility tech, people assume levels of access to technology that don’t exist. They fail to take into account places where lack of internet access is a continuing barrier, where not everyone has smartphones to use a required app, where good devices are touted but not easy to afford or get. Projects often are not properly centered on the communities they serve, or fail to understand that these communities may pursue their own desires rather than those reflected in the dominant culture.

MIT Technology Review
Explanations and Usages

The phrase “take into account” is frequently used in both academic and professional settings to signify that specific factors, information, or conditions are being considered in making a decision or evaluation. It essentially means to consider or incorporate certain elements into one’s analysis or decision-making process.

When you “take into account,” you acknowledge and incorporate various elements that could impact the outcomes or understanding of a situation. For instance, a researcher who takes the age of participants into account in a study is considering how this factor might influence the results, ensuring a more reliable and valid analysis.

In academic writing, it is used to describe how certain variables or conditions have been considered within a study or theoretical framework. For example, one might say, “The study takes into account the socio-economic status of the participants to ensure a comprehensive analysis.”

In business, it refers to the inclusion of factors such as cost, time, and resource availability in strategic planning or project management. A typical usage might be, “The project plan takes into account the potential risks associated with market changes.”

In everyday decision-making, it serves to clarify that all pertinent considerations have been taken into account, such as scheduling conflicts or personal preferences, which might influence the decision. For example, “Taking into account your busy schedule, we have arranged the meeting for next week.”

  • Similarly, in education, personalized learning platforms use algorithms that take into account students’ past performance and learning styles, enabling tailored educational experiences that cater to individual needs.
  • He advocated for a child-centered education that emphasized understanding the world from the child’s perspective, taking into account individual development and engaging in concrete, tactile experiences like hands-on work with plants and minerals for science lessons.


  • Numerous experts argue that this is a vital component of economic health, as investors and lenders take into account the anticipated purchasing power of their interest earnings when making financial decisions.
  • Legal experts have noted that even when taking into account the disparity in the number of cars manufactured by Tesla compared to its rivals, the company’s adoption of binding arbitration seems to have significantly reduced its expenses.


  • Generally, economic analyses of generative A.I. do not take into account additional risks associated with the technology, such as the potential for spreading misinformation and the possibility of it becoming uncontrollable by humans.
  • Technology can offer incredible new tools for disabled individuals, but this is only effective—as with many types of innovation—when these technologies are integrated with systems that take into account our diverse and complex humanity.


  • Climate is not the only factor influencing dengue outbreaks; predictive models must also take into account other elements like population immunity levels and previously circulating virus strains.
  • Researchers also took into account factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, education, smoking status, alcohol consumption, diet, and parental history of cardiovascular disease and cancer.


  • Scott Rudin, the producer behind now-dormant Broadway hits like “The Book of Mormon” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” points out that the additional variables that must be taken into account are overwhelmingly complex.
  • Netflix utilizes algorithms that take into account users’ previous viewing choices and preferences to recommend specific shows and movies, due to its extensive content library.

–Arts and Culture


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