End up

–End up | Image by by sketchfab.com


Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a new platform adventure game. It is out now for the Nintendo Switch and is considered one of the best games of 2023.

Unlike recent open-world Mario adventures, Wonder is a side-scrolling platform game. Until now, there has not been a completely new Mario game in the side-scrolling 2D format in almost 11 years. The game’s story is set in the Flower Kingdom, a new location for the franchise.

In the game, the Flower Kingdom’s ruler, Prince Florian, has invited Mario and his friends there to show them the Wonder Flower. It has the power to change the environment in magical and unexpected ways. After Mario’s archrival Bowser interrupts the visit to seize the flower, it ends up fusing him with his Koopa clown car and Florian’s castle, turning him into a powerful figure called Castle Bowser.

Explanations and Usages

The phrase “end up” is a commonly used expression in English that serves to indicate the final state, position, or condition of someone or something after a series of events. It is often used to highlight how actions, decisions, or circumstances have led to a particular outcome. Typically, this phrase emphasizes that the result was influenced by the events that preceded it.

One common usage of “end up” is to describe the ultimate conclusion or final state of a process. For example, saying “After all the confusion, they ended up leaving late” illustrates that the outcome of leaving late was a direct result of prior confusion. The phrase connects the end state back to its causal conditions or events.

“End up” is also frequently used to highlight outcomes that were unplanned or unexpected. In sentences like “We planned to travel to Spain, but we ended up going to Portugal instead,” the phrase is employed to underscore a deviation from an initial plan, indicating that the final action was not what was originally intended.

Additionally, the phrase can be used to emphasize the potential consequences of certain choices or actions. For instance, the warning “If you don’t study for your exams, you might end up failing” uses “end up” to suggest that failing could be a direct consequence of the choice not to study. This usage is particularly effective in conveying how present decisions impact future results.

Overall, “end up” is a versatile phrase used in various contexts to link the progression of events or actions to their ultimate outcomes, especially to point out that these outcomes might not have been what was initially expected or planned.

  • Despite facing challenges along the way, many individuals end up pursuing higher education to advance their careers.
  • The quality of education received in early childhood, such as the programs provided by Little Scholars Academy, sets the foundation for where students like Emma and Liam end up academically and professionally later in life.


  • Domestically, these policies are widely favored; however, they alarm various international leaders and economists who caution that such forceful economic interventions may end up slowing worldwide growth.
  • Florida legislation aimed at constraining Disney might unintentionally end up assisting the company in a state court lawsuit about development near Walt Disney World in Orlando.


  • Despite over a decade of development, older AI platforms like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa ended up stagnating and are now mainly used for simple functions such as playing music and setting timers.
  • Eventually, we’ll end up with only Messages, Google Chat, and Google Meet as the remaining platforms—unfortunately lacking the straightforward, clean alternative that Duo once provided—but the path to get there is turning out to be quite complex.


  • Over months and years, radiocarbon integrates into atmospheric carbon dioxide in the lower atmosphere and eventually ends up in plants through photosynthesis.
  • The problem with transfer DNA lies in the hazardous likelihood that DNA can end up on items or victims at a crime scene, even if the person in question never touched them.


  • As the plot of “Your Lucky Day” unfolds and ends up becoming more complex, the truly memorable element is Cloud, who passed away last year.
  • The story displays a general distrust of technology: IT is utilized for surveillance and control, and some of the “relics,” initially thought to be key clues, ultimately end up misleading.

–Arts and Culture


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