Be singled out

–Be singled out | Image by Lukas Kloeppel


Salt Lake City, Utah, has been singled out as the preferred location for hosting the 2034 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The announcement by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) puts the city one step closer to hosting the Winter Games for a second time. The first was in 2002. The IOC will do a final review of Salt Lake City’s bid, and the official host will be named at the 2024 Summer Games in Paris.

USA Today
Explanations and Usages

The phrase “be singled out” means to be selected or identified from a group for special attention or treatment, either positively or negatively. It suggests being distinguished or recognized individually for some specific reason.

For instance, in a classroom setting, a student might “be singled out” by the teacher for exemplary behavior or academic achievement, receiving special recognition or a reward. Conversely, someone could be “singled out” for breaking a rule or exhibiting behavior that stands out negatively, leading to disciplinary action or criticism.

The phrase can also apply in broader contexts, such as being selected from a group for praise, blame, or scrutiny in social, professional, or even personal situations. It’s important to note that being “singled out” doesn’t always imply a negative connotation; it simply means being noticed or distinguished from the rest in a particular way.

  • During the presentation, Sarah was singled out for her exceptional understanding of the topic.
  • Among the candidates, Emily was singled out during the scholarship selection process due to her consistent academic performance, extensive extracurricular involvement, and remarkable commitment to community service.


  • Walmart says it was singled out for the tax increase and is the only entity in Puerto Rico subject to such a high tax burden.
  • Should Facebook be singled out for these practices, it’s likely because its $40.6 billion annual business heavily depends on its role as a market leader, primarily centered around accumulating personal data.


  • Pixel phones are commonly singled out among other Android phones for their stellar photography capabilities.
  • Twitter appears to be singled out for scrutiny due to its inadequate response to user attacks, notably because of the ease with which harassers can swiftly create new accounts post-ban.


  • Apple and Volkswagen AG were singled out on March 15 by state-run China Central Television in its annual corporate malpractice expose.
  • While the molecule is harmful to various organisms, it has been singled out as a potentially clear indication of life due to its complexity, which makes it hard to produce through typical geological or atmospheric actions.


  • The show was singled out in every category of theater making: acting, writing, directing, design.
  • In Entertainment Weekly’s 2009 selection of “new TV classics,” the actor, having trained at London’s Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, was singled out for praise particularly for their role in Gilmore Girls.

–Arts and Culture


  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.


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