Be expected to do

Be expected to do

–Be expected to do | Image by by johnstocker on Freepik


If you grab a pair of binoculars and look at the right point in the night sky, you could see a toolbox streaking through space. When two NASA astronauts were doing a repair job outside the international Space Station (ISS)they accidentally dropped their kit bag. The bright, white bag is now orbiting a few minutes ahead of the ISS, which is the third-brightest object in the night sky. It is expected to remain in orbit until March 2024, when it will then re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up.

Sky News
Explanations and Usages

Be expected to do” is a phrase that means people anticipate or assume that something will happen or that someone will do something. It carries the idea of a typical or predicted action or behavior. For instance, if a teacher says, “You are expected to finish your homework by tomorrow,” it means the teacher believes or assumes that the students will complete their homework by the next day.

This phrase is commonly used to convey responsibilities or obligations. For example, in school, students are expected to attend classes regularly, complete assignments, and follow school rules. Similarly, in a job, employees are expected to arrive on time, fulfill their duties, and meet deadlines.

It’s important to understand that “be expected to do” sets an assumption or a standard, indicating what is considered normal or required in a given situation. It’s like a guideline or an anticipated behavior that others believe will happen based on certain norms or rules.

  • At Jefferson Junior High, students are expected to study regularly and complete their assignments on time.
  • Within Jefferson Junior High’s educational framework, students such as Emily, James, and Sarah are expected to diligently study, consistently engage in learning, and fulfill their academic duties by completing assignments punctually and actively participating in class.


  • Employees Sarah and James in a tech company are expected to be expected to finish tasks on time and be expected to communicate effectively online.
  • Amidst the bustling realm of contemporary business, visionaries like Elon Musk in innovation and Warren Buffett in finance are expected to be trusted with adapting to market shifts, innovating strategies, meeting deadlines, and fostering teamwork.


  • Europe is expected to enact an A.I. law later this year.
  • The Apple headset is expected to be priced at approximately $3,000, and insights from both current and former employees, who are familiar with its development, suggest that it will bear a resemblance to ski goggles.


  • Generative AIs like ChatGPT are advancing and expected to revolutionize future medical research.
  • These discoveries are expected to clarify how type 2 diabetes begins at a molecular level, offering potential new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease.


  • As climate change progresses, summers are only expected to get hotter.
  • Britney Spears’s upcoming memoir is expected to recount her experiences during a restrictive conservatorship that recently ended in a dramatic court hearing in Los Angeles.

–Arts and Culture


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