The Alphabet
Writing for an Academic Discussion Practices
Today, we are going to discuss how successful software and tech products are launched and marketed. When companies launch and market these products, early adopters are important. Early adopters are customers who tend to buy the latest products and like to be the first to try out new features and processes. In today’s discussion, I would like you to describe at least one advantage or disadvantage of being an early adopter. Please explain why you think this way.
We live in a world where many people use robotic devices and talk to them as they would to a person-for example, by giving them names, speaking politely, and saying”please” and “thank you.” As the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (Al)advance, we’re going to have more complicated, perhaps more human-like interactions with machines. How should we treat such machines? ls it important to be polite in our interactions with them? Why or why not?
In my opinion, treating robots kindly is a good thing. You should be polite and kind torobots not because of how it affects them, but because of how it affects you.l thinkwhen people are nice to others, whether humans or robots, it helps them maintain apositive self-image.
I think it’s important to remember that these machines are not people. They’re toolsand utilities that help us accomplish certain tasks. So, l don’t think we have to treatthem with kindness as if they were people. instead, it’s more important to provideproper maintenance and handle them appropriately.