GRE Big Book Text Completion Test 34

GRE Text Completion

The purpose of the Text Completion questions is to measure the ability to recognize words or phrases that both logically and stylistically complete the meaning of a sentence.

In deciding which of words or sets of words can best be substituted for blank spaces in a sentence, one must analyze the relationships among the component parts of the incomplete sentence.

One must consider each answer choice and decide which completes the sentence in such a way that the sentence has a logically satisfying meaning and can be read as a stylistically integrated whole.

There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ________ other forms.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of ________ for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to ________ its own continental coastline.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a ________ between them.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist’s subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling _______ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ________ by their lively criticism.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

In eighth-century Japan, people who ________ wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of ________ fields.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

If duty is the natural ________ of one‘s ________ the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?


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