GRE Big Book Text Completion Test 26

GRE Text Completion

The purpose of the Text Completion questions is to measure the ability to recognize words or phrases that both logically and stylistically complete the meaning of a sentence.

In deciding which of words or sets of words can best be substituted for blank spaces in a sentence, one must analyze the relationships among the component parts of the incomplete sentence.

One must consider each answer choice and decide which completes the sentence in such a way that the sentence has a logically satisfying meaning and can be read as a stylistically integrated whole.

Aspartame, a new artificial sugar substitute, is only ________ replacement for saccharin because, unlike saccharin, it breaks down and loses its sweetening characteristics at high temperatures, making it ________ for baking.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

Trapped thousands of years ago in Antarctic ice, recently discovered air bubbles are ________ time capsules filled with information for scientists who chart the history of the atmosphere.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

In the days before the mass marketing of books, censorship was ________ source of ________, which helped the sale of the book and inspired Ralph Waldo Emerson to remark: “Every burned book enlightens the world”.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

It was not only the _________ geologists that ________ of earlier development of the revolutionary idea that the Earth’s continents were moving plates; classical physicists, who could not then explain the mechanism, had declared continental movement impossible.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

Although often extremely critical of the medical profession as a whole, people are rarely willing to treat their personal doctors with equal ________.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

Aalto, like other modernists, believed that form follows function; consequently, his furniture designs asserted the ________ of human needs, and the furniture’s form was ________ human use.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

A ________ acceptance of contemporary forms of social behavior has misled a few into believing that values in conflict with the present age are for all practical purposes ________.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?


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