GRE Big Book Critical Reasoning Test 31

GRE Critical Reasoning

Critical Reasoning questions test the ability to understand, analyze, and evaluate arguments. Some of the abilities tested by specific questions include identifying the roles played by specific phrases or sentences in an argument, recognizing the point of an argument, recognizing assumptions on which an argument is based" drawing conclusions and forming hypotheses, identifying methods of argumentation, evaluating arguments and counter-arguments, and analyzing evidence.

Each of the Critical Reasoning questions is based on a short argument, a set of statements, or a plan of action. For each question, select the best answer of the choices given.


The company should not be held responsible for failing to correct the control-panel problem that caused the accident. Although the problem had been mentioned earlier in a safety inspector’s report, companies receive hundreds of reports of such problems, and Industry Standard No. 42 requires action on these problems only when an accident is foreseeable.

Considering only the information given about burn patients in the passage above, which of the following is most likely to enhance the effectiveness of the standard treatment of a burn patient?

Riothamus, a fifth-century king of the Britons, was betrayed by an associate, fought bravely against the Goths but was defeated, and disappeared mysteriously. Riothamus’ activities, and only those of Riothamus, match almost exactly those attributed to King Arthur. Therefore, Riothamus must be the historical model for the legendary King Arthur.

If the statements above are true, which of the following must also be true?

A worldwide ban on the production of certain ozone-destroying chemicals would provide only an illusion of protection. Quantities of such chemicals, already produced, exist as coolants in millions of refrigerators. When they reach the ozone layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot be halted. So there is no way to prevent these chemicals from damaging the ozone layer further.

Which of the following, if true, is likely to be among the factors that account for the disparity between auto workers' and garment workers' wages?

When an osprey (a fish-eating hawk) returns from fishing to its nesting area with a fish like an alewife, a pollack, or a smelt, other ospreys will retrace its flight path in hopes of good fishing. There is seldom such a response if the first bird brings back a winter flounder. Yet ospreys feed on winter flounder just as readily as on any other fish.

Which of the following, if true, would additionally weaken the traditional view that alkaptonuria afflicted many Egyptians 2,500 years ago?

A recent study of an insurance company’s under- writers indicated that those who worked in pleasant physical surroundings were 25 percent more productive than their peers in unpleasant physical surroundings. Objective criteria for evaluating job performance included caseload and complexity of cases. This shows that improving workers’ environments increases those workers’ productivity.

Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from this report?

In a certain country, individuals tend to change their political affiliation readily from one political party to another. In the past the Union party grew larger because of this tendency, but although most of those who change to a new party affiliation change to the Union party, the Union party has remained about the same size in recent years.

Which of the following, if true, does NOT support the claim made in the last sentence in the passage above?


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