GRE Big Book Critical Reasoning Test 23

GRE Critical Reasoning

Critical Reasoning questions test the ability to understand, analyze, and evaluate arguments. Some of the abilities tested by specific questions include identifying the roles played by specific phrases or sentences in an argument, recognizing the point of an argument, recognizing assumptions on which an argument is based" drawing conclusions and forming hypotheses, identifying methods of argumentation, evaluating arguments and counter-arguments, and analyzing evidence.

Each of the Critical Reasoning questions is based on a short argument, a set of statements, or a plan of action. For each question, select the best answer of the choices given.


Many farmers in the United States are turning away from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, whose costs are rising rapidly, and choosing systems of organic farming designed to replenish nutrients in the soil. Studies indicate that although in some instances crop yields are lower in the years immediately after a farmer converts from a chemical to an organic system, the farmer’s net income in each of those years is nevertheless likely to be higher.

Which of the following, if true, would help explain why the farmer's annual net income is likely to be higher following conversion to an organic system?

For some years health authorities have believed that people with high blood pressure (hypertension) should restrict their salt intake. Recently scientists found in a large, well-designed study that those with chronic hypertension consume less salt than do their counterparts with normal blood pressure.

If it is true that a diet relatively high in salt is causally linked to the onset of hypertension, which of the following, if true, most plausibly accounts for the new findings?

A successful defense against attack by ballistic missiles would have to be controlled by a large-scale computer system.

A defense against attack by ballistic missiles, to be successful, would have to work on first use, and a full preliminary test would be impossible.

Despite careful planning, every large-scale computer system has on use proved to have flaws that in some situations would cause serious failure.

If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions is best supported by them?

For acrylic, a clear rigid plastic, to be cast, fairly complex molecules must be induced to link up, in a process called polymerization. Polymerization is exothermic; i.e., its net effect is that each time molecules link, a small quantity of heat is generated. In addition, the rate of linking speeds up as temper- ature increases.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage above?

A steady decline in annual movie-ticket sales is about to begin. More than half of the tickets sold last year were sold to the age group, under twenty- five years of age, representing twenty-seven percent of the population. However, the number of individuals under twenty-five will steadily decline during the next decade.

Which of the following, if true, casts most doubt on the prediction above regarding future movie-ticket sales?

Any lender about to make a loan wishes to know the real rate of interest; i.e., ,the contractual rate of interest less the rate of inflation. But what rate of inflation to use, past or expected? Past inflation is the better choice, because we have specific firm figures so that the real rate of interest will also emerge as a specific figure.

Which of the following, if true, is the strongest point that an opponent of the position above might make in arguing that the rate of expected inflation is the proper figure to use?


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