GRE Critical Reasoning
Critical Reasoning questions test the ability to understand, analyze, and evaluate arguments. Some of the abilities tested by specific questions include identifying the roles played by specific phrases or sentences in an argument, recognizing the point of an argument, recognizing assumptions on which an argument is based" drawing conclusions and forming hypotheses, identifying methods of argumentation, evaluating arguments and counter-arguments, and analyzing evidence.
Each of the Critical Reasoning questions is based on a short argument, a set of statements, or a plan of action. For each question, select the best answer of the choices given.
Academic products developed at a university are properly considered the results of “work for hire” and really belong to the institution. Therefore, the university should own the copyright for any computer software devel- oped by its faculty.
But a copyright policy this restrictive can impede a university’s primary mission of generating and disseminating knowledge.
Within the last fifty years, the majority of the United States work force has moved from the manufacturing to the service sector of the economy. This shift has occurred, not because of a decline in the production of goods, but because, with applications of new technology, more production of goods can now be achieved with relatively fewer people, and more people are therefore available to satisfy the increased demand for services.
John: I have tried several different types of psychotherapy at various times in my life: three kinds of “talk” therapy (Freudian, Rogerian, and cognitive) and also behavior therapy. Since the periods when I was in therapy were the least happy times of my life, I have concluded that psychotherapy cannot work for me.
Board member:
As a longtime member of the college’s board of trustees, I believe that the board has functioned well in the past because each of its members has had a broad range of experience and interests. Thus, if in the future any members are elected primarily to press for a particular policy, such. as reducing tuition, the board will function less well.
When school administrators translate educational research into a standardized teaching program and mandate its use by teachers, students learn less and learn less well than they did before, even though the teachers are the same. The translation by the administrators of theory into prescribed practice must therefore be flawed.
Figures issued by the government of a certain country show that in 1980 the public sector and the private sector each employed the same number of people. Between 1980 and 1984, according to the government, total employment decreased in the public sector more than it increased in the private sector.