发音: [prəˈvɪnʃəl]
- Something provincial is in a rural or country style, and it also can imply someone less sophisticated, as in someone with limited outlook.
- In the eastern province of Zhejiang, home to more than 64 million people, the provincial government has reported around 1 million new cases a day.
- Johnson said to himself that the girl was too light and childish, too uncultivated and unreasoning, and too provincial.
- These Republicans are the most self-centered, provincial, and blind leaders possible – this country has serious problems, but it’s all a vicious little game.
- It is the proponents of industrialized farming who are provincial, not the citizens, scientists, international agencies and governments who recognize that the future of food lies in agri-ecological systems.
- Provincial这个单词为形容词,其表示“ limited in outlook, or lacking the culture of urban society”这一含义,即“省的/地方上的/心胸狭窄的/狭隘的/迂腐的”,与illiberal/insular/narrow-minded/unsophisticated这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- A provincial person can see only his or her own tiny slice of the world and doesn’t attempt to learn about and understand other people’s experiences.(一个心胸狭隘的人只能看到自己世界的一小部分,不会试图了解和理解别人的经历。)
—Culture - Some of my characters obsess over their clothes, physical appearance, money and social status not because they are incapable of strategic thinking, but because they are materialistic, selfish and provincial people.(我的一些角色痴迷于他们的衣服,外表,金钱和社会地位,不是因为他们没有战略思维能力,而是因为他们是物质主义,自私和狭隘的人。)
—Arts - When China began to ease domestic travel and lockdown restrictions in April, China’s city and provincial governments launched promotional campaigns to stimulate consumer spending.(当中国于4月开始放宽国内旅行和封锁限制时,中国的城市和省级政府发起了刺激消费的促销活动。)