- An ordeal is a severe or harsh experience, which is something difficult or painful to go through.
- Being trapped in an elevator was a harrowing ordeal for the shoppers.
- He said the lessons learned from a career in baseball — increase your odds and focus on what you can control — helped guide him through his ordeal.
- Former professional players have been speaking publicly over the last two weeks about the ordeals they went through as youngsters at the hands of coaches.
- In a Nov. 30 post on LinkedIn, he outlined his ordeal trying to regain access to his online Microsoft and Google accounts after his cellphone number was hijacked.
- Ordeal这个单词为名词,其表示“a severe trial or experience”这一含义,即“折磨/磨难/煎熬/严酷的考验”,与gauntlet/trial/hardship”这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery. He needs to know who has put him through the ordeal he has suffered tonight, and why.(理解是接纳的第一步,只有接纳,才能有恢复。他需要知道是谁让他经历了今晚所遭受的磨难,以及为什么。)
–Culture - I vowed that if I lived through this ordeal, I would not touch a single one of those animals they trapped and killed out there on the hillside like innocent children.(我发誓,如果我经历了这场磨难,我不会像无辜的孩子一样在山坡上碰他们困住并杀死的动物中的任何一只。)
–News - Food and fire and rest had helped restore him after the ordeals of their journey, but he seemed sadder now, sullen, with a weary, haunted look about the eyes.(食物、火和休息帮助他在旅途中恢复了痛苦,但他现在似乎更悲伤了,闷闷不乐,眼睛里带着疲惫、憔悴的表情。)