TOEFL iBT-Features of the Reading Passages「托福阅读文章重要特征」

TOEFL reading section uses passages from university-level textbooks that introduce a topic. The passages may have been changed slightly to make them appropriate for testing purposes, but they are real academic materials.

Topics of the reading passages can vary, but you do not need to have any prior knowledge of the topics. Everything you need to know to answer the questions is in the passages, because the questions are testing your English skills, not your knowledge of the topic.

There are 2 reading passages of about 700 words each. For each passage, there are 10 multiple-choice questions. You will be able to see the reading passage as you answer each question.

Most questions have four choices and a single correct answer. Some questions ask you to select two or more correct answers from a larger group of choices.

You will have 35 minutes to complete the TOEFL Reading section. During that time, you can return to previous questions to review or change your answers.



整个阅读部分有 2 篇文章,每篇约 700 字。对于每篇文章,有 10 道多项选择题。在回答每个问题时,考生将能够看到阅读段落。


考生将有 35 分钟的时间来完成阅读部分。在此期间,考生可以返回到之前的问题以查看或更改答案。

–TOEFL Readings | Video by TOEFL Official 


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