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- The word “idiosyncratic” is used to describe something that is unique to an individual. It is often used to talk about personal behaviors, characteristics, or habits that are distinct to a specific person and not commonly found in others.
- Many of these cooking methods come from local Chinese or diaspora traditions, family habits, or a person’s idiosyncratic taste, and each one is different from the rest.
- On this occasion, history may not follow its usual patterns due to the idiosyncratic situation: The economy is recovering from a pandemic, unemployment is low, and overall, both businesses and consumers are in a healthy state.
- Meza noted that the distinctive architecture and idiosyncratic building styles in Mexico City create exciting skateboarding environments, although police and security guards occasionally step in, as they do in other places.
- Pollan takes us on a journey through one of humanity’s most idiosyncratic uses of plants—altering consciousness—as he clarifies the science and history behind some of the most demonized plants and fungi.
- If the internet weren’t dominated by a few large sites that serve as essential platforms for global communication, we could view Twitter and Facebook as websites with their own idiosyncratic set of community rules.
- Idiosyncratic这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“unique to an individual”这一含义,即“特殊的/独特的/特质性的”,与distinctive/characteristic/individual/unique/eccentric等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Actually, this is the latest release from Platinum Games, a studio famous for its fashionable action titles like Bayonetta, Vanquish, and, more recently, Nier: Automata, created in partnership with the idiosyncratic director Yoko Taro.(这其实是Platinum Games的最新游戏,这个工作室因其时尚的动作游戏如Bayonetta、Vanquish以及最近的Nier: Automata而著名,后者是与特立独行的导演Yoko Taro合作创作的。)
–Technology - The system is vast and intricately complex at the molecular level, with many undefined interactions among components, further complicated by each individual’s idiosyncratic body structure and dynamics.(这个系统在分子层面上既广泛又错综复杂,组件之间有许多未定义的相互作用,每个个体独特的身体结构和动态又使得这种复杂性增加。)
–Science - Each athlete’s idiosyncratic training routine tailors to their specific strengths and weaknesses, often leading to unique and innovative approaches to their sport.(每位运动员的训练常规都是针对其特定的优点和缺点量身定制的,这通常导致他们在各自的运动项目中采取独特且创新的方法。)
–Sports - On Monday, Adam Shapiro, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, attributed the rising prices primarily to “idiosyncratic factors” rather than to “general economic conditions.”(周一,旧金山联邦储备银行的经济学家Adam Shapiro将价格上涨主要归因于“特殊因素”,而非“总体经济状况”。)
–Business - Salinger’s short stories, often first published in The New Yorker, seem to have influenced Anderson’s idiosyncratic visual style, reflecting the magazine’s clever and detailed cover art.(Salinger的短篇小说,很多最初都在《纽约客》上发表,看来影响了Anderson的独特视觉风格,反映了该杂志聪明而详细的封面艺术。)
–Arts and Culture