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- The word “apprehension” refers to a feeling of anxiety or unease about something that might happen in the future. It’s often linked to a sense of worry or concern about an upcoming event or situation.
- When using “apprehension” in a sentence, you might say, “She felt a sense of apprehension before taking the test,” which means she was worried or anxious about the test. Or, “Despite his initial apprehension, he managed to understand the scientific concept,” indicating that although he was initially worried or uncertain, he eventually comprehended the complex idea.
- Penny recalled her initial apprehension before meeting Hillary Clinton, admiring Clinton as “impressive, smart, and thoughtful.” In response, Clinton reacted with a wry smile and a roll of her eyes.
- Despite facing adversities from Washington and apprehension in other global centers, Huawei is initiating a fresh legal battle, exhibiting promising signs of an upward trajectory in its fortunes.
- Athletes and sports officials worldwide have been observing the imminent Winter Olympics in Beijing, which is scheduled for February amidst the persistent pandemic, with a combination of apprehension and fatigue.
- The news of a potential Congressional approval of the pipeline in exchange for climate legislation elicited apprehension among local activists who have dedicated years to opposing and preventing the pipeline’s development.
- Apprehension这个单词做名词使用,其表示“fearful expectation or anticipation, or painful expectation”这一含义,即“忧虑/担心/恐惧/焦虑”,与concern /worry /uncertainty /fearfulness /concern /anxiety这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Rarely have products been met with such widespread anticipation and simultaneous apprehension as the wearable, Internet-connected spectacles showcased at the recent Google developer conference in San Francisco.(很少有产品能像最近在旧金山举行的谷歌开发者大会上展示的可穿戴、联网眼镜那样受到如此广泛的期待和同时的担忧。)
–Technology - Amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and advisories for individuals to stay home, doctors and pharmacists have voiced apprehensions about patients facing potential delays in obtaining their prescriptions.(在持续的冠状病毒大流行和建议个人呆在家里的情况下,医生和药剂师对患者在获得处方时可能面临延误表示担忧。)
–Science - In the Olympic Park, there were no security checkpoints, and the crowd didn’t exhibit signs of fear or apprehension, except in the area around the athletes’ quarters.(在奥林匹克公园里,没有安全检查站,除了运动员宿舍周围的区域外,人群没有表现出恐惧或担忧的迹象。)
–Sports - Some Time Warner executives expressed apprehensions that AT&T might excessively oversee the company’s assets, while others acknowledged the expected changes and shared positive experiences in their rapport with Stankey, AT&T’s representative.(一些时代华纳高管表示担心AT&T可能会过度监督公司的资产,而其他人则承认了预期的变化,并在与AT&T代表Stankey的融洽关系中分享了积极的经验。)
–Business - Smith’s recent book eloquently confronts America’s ongoing racial injustices, vividly portraying them as persistent wounds repeatedly aggravated, while also expressing a notable apprehension about the unfolding course of history.(史密斯的新书雄辩地直面了美国持续的种族不公正,生动地将其描绘成反复加重的持续伤口,同时也表达了对历史进程的显着担忧。)
–Arts and Culture