GRE Big Book Text Completion Test 38

GRE Text Completion

The purpose of the Text Completion questions is to measure the ability to recognize words or phrases that both logically and stylistically complete the meaning of a sentence.

In deciding which of words or sets of words can best be substituted for blank spaces in a sentence, one must analyze the relationships among the component parts of the incomplete sentence.

One must consider each answer choice and decide which completes the sentence in such a way that the sentence has a logically satisfying meaning and can be read as a stylistically integrated whole.

A recent survey shows that, while ninety-four percent of companies conducting management- training programs open them to women, women are ________ only seventy-four percent of those programs.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

Thomas Paine, whose political writing was often flamboyant, was in private life a surprisingly ________ man: he lived in rented rooms, ate little, and wore drab clothes.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

Their ________ of loyalties is first to oneself, next to kin, then to fellow tribe members, and finally to compatriots.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the blank?

The belief that science destroys the arts appears to be supported by historical evidence that the arts have ________ only when the sciences have been ________.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

The action and characters in a melodrama can be so immediately ________ that all observers can hiss the villain with an air of smug but enjoyable ________.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

In the design of medical experiments, the need for ________ assignment of treatments to patients must be ________ the difficulty of persuading patients to participate in an experiment in which their treatment is decided by chance.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?

Though dealers insist that professional art dealers can make money in the art market, even an ________ knowledge is not enough: the art world is so fickle that stock-market prices are________ by comparison.

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the FIRST blank?

Which of the following is the BEST fit in the SECOND blank?


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