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  1. The verb “hamper” means to make it difficult for something to happen or to slow it down. Imagine you’re trying to walk with a heavy backpack on your back – it hampers your movement because it makes it harder to walk comfortably and quickly.
  2. When you use “hamper” in a sentence, you’re talking about something that’s getting in the way, making a task harder, or causing a delay. For example, bad weather can hamper a picnic because it makes it difficult to enjoy the outdoors, or traffic can hamper your commute by slowing you down.
  3. The mayor’s need to allocate approximately $12 billion over the next three years for housing and various services could result in significant budget cuts that may hamper the city’s capacity to provide essential services effectively.
  4. During the past week, Greece has grappled with daily outbreaks of numerous fires, as relentless gale-force winds and scorching, dry summer conditions have not only fueled the flames but also hampered firefighting efforts.
  5. China’s aspirations for advancing artificial intelligence and other advanced computing technologies, crucial for their future economy and military, have been hampered by the existing limitations.
  6. Earlier this year, when a panel made recommendations to tighten U.S. regulations on funding research involving dangerous pathogens, there were concerns that some of the proposed changes might hamper important routine studies necessary for public health.

  1. Hamper这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to make it difficult for something to happen or to slow it down”这一含义,即“阻碍/妨碍/减缓/限制等”,与hinder /impede /obstruct /restrict /restrain等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • While the Mustang Mach-E, Ford’s initial electric vehicle, has received praise from both critics and buyers, the driving experience with this vehicle is significantly hampered by the charging network, which falls behind Tesla’s exceptional Supercharger network.(虽然福特的首款电动汽车 Mustang Mach-E 受到了评论家和买家的赞誉,但这款车的驾驶体验受到充电网络的严重限制,其充电网络落后于特斯拉卓越的超级充电网络。)
  • The public health efforts to control the pandemic and reduce fatalities have been hampered by an ongoing scientific dispute among researchers about whether SARS-CoV-2 primarily spreads through respiratory droplets on surfaces or through the air.(研究人员之间关于SARS-CoV-2是否主要通过表面的呼吸道飞沫传播或通过空气传播的持续科学争论阻碍了控制大流行和减少死亡人数的公共卫生努力。)
  • Amid the virus’s initial spread across the country, concerns about worker absenteeism potentially hampering production surfaced, while the government simultaneously introduced an unprecedented wave of unemployment benefits to support workers.(在病毒最初在全国范围内传播的过程中,对工人缺勤可能减缓生产的担忧浮出水面,与此同时政府推出了前所未有的失业救济金浪潮来支持工人。)
  • Initially hampered by a calf injury during her tournament preparations, Jabeur successfully overcame this obstacle and went on to make history as the first Tunisian and Arab woman to advance this far in the French Open.(贾贝乌尔最初在备战比赛时受到小腿受伤的拖累,但她成功地克服了这一障碍,并继续创造历史,成为第一位在法网取得如此成绩的突尼斯和阿拉伯女性。)
  • Low wages, according to many workers, pose a barrier for individuals who do not come from privileged backgrounds to consider a career in publishing, which, in turn, hampers the industry’s diversification efforts in its predominantly white composition.(根据许多工人的说法,低工资对那些没有特权背景的人考虑从事出版业构成了障碍,这反过来又阻碍了该行业以白人为主的多元化努力。)
    –Arts and Culture


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