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  1. The word “banal” means something is really common, boring, or unoriginal. It’s like when you see or hear something so many times that it becomes dull and uninteresting.
  2. For example, if a book or movie has a predictable and overused storyline, you might say it’s banal because it doesn’t feel fresh or exciting. Or if someone tells you a joke that you’ve heard a million times, you could call it banal because it’s no longer funny.
  3. During the creation of “Into the Little Hill,” Crimp deliberately considered the inclusion of banal language, specifically drawing from the realm of everyday life, and chose to integrate words like “electricity,” “concrete,” and “refrigerator” into his work.
  4. In her review for The New York Times, Michiko Kakutani remarked that the portrayal of the real-world in the book was intentionally made banal, filled with clichés and unoriginality, rendering “The Casual Vacancy” not only disappointing but also a banal and uninteresting read.
  5. Spam has become increasingly widespread, as shown by a recent study indicating that Americans receive an average of 3.7 scam calls and 1.5 scam texts per day, with the overwhelming majority of these messages being banal and easily forgettable.
  6. While the outlook for Spot is generally positive, Boston Dynamics may face a greater challenge in getting their robots to function effectively in a banal but potentially more profitable environment, like a warehouse.

  1. Banal这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“boring, or unoriginal”这一含义,即平淡乏味的/无关紧要的/陈腐的/无聊的/毫无新意的,与boring/insipid/bland/dull这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The capability for third-party analysis of digital systems largely relies on two deceptively banal tools commonly used to inspect webpage activity: browser add-ons and browser developer tools.(数字系统的第三方分析能力在很大程度上依赖于两个通常用于检查网页活动的看似无关紧要的工具:浏览器加载项和浏览器开发人员工具。)
  • In the realm of science, the seemingly banal phenomenon of photosynthesis, where plants convert sunlight into energy, is a fundamental process that underpins the entire food chain, sustaining life on Earth.(在科学领域,看似平常的光合作用现象,即植物将阳光转化为能量,是支撑整个食物链的基本过程,维持地球上的生命。)
  • Within the book, it skillfully outlines the ascent of several remarkably banal individuals who achieved prominence within the company, and each, in their distinct manner, played a role in its ultimate demise.(在这本书中,它巧妙地概述了几个在公司内取得突出地位的非常平庸的人的崛起,每个人都以他们独特的方式在公司的最终消亡中发挥了作用。)
    –Arts and Culture
  • Given the banal experiences of modern commercial air travel, bringing back the sense of wonder and fear that defined early human flight is a significant challenge; nevertheless, the historical backdrop of early aviation offers Lancaster a wealth of material for this purpose.(鉴于现代商业航空旅行的无聊体验,回归早期人类飞行的惊奇和恐惧感是一项重大挑战;尽管如此,早期航空的历史背景为兰开斯特提供了丰富的材料。)
  • In the past, SAT-takers were directed to infuse their responses to a statement with their personal experiences or values, a writing style that often resulted in banal content, bearing little resemblance to the kind of writing expected in college and professional contexts.(过去,SAT考生被要求将他们对陈述的回应融入他们的个人经历或价值观,这种写作风格通常会导致乏味的内容,与大学和专业环境中预期的那种写作几乎没有相似之处。)


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