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- Impropriety refers to actions or behaviors that are not in line with accepted social norms, rules, or standards of conduct. It can involve a range of inappropriate behaviors, such as violating ethical principles, breaching professional codes of conduct, or engaging in actions that are considered indecent or offensive in a particular context.
- For example, in a professional setting, impropriety could include using offensive language, making inappropriate jokes, or behaving in a disrespectful or unprofessional manner towards colleagues or clients. In a social setting, it might involve behaving rudely or disrespectfully towards others, not following social customs or etiquettes, or engaging in behavior that goes against the prevailing cultural norms.
- Wilcox faced accusations from the advisory committee on judicial conduct, alleging violations of the court’s standards of conduct. This resulted in an appearance of impropriety and participation in extrajudicial activities that diminished the office’s integrity.
- For the third consecutive Summer Olympics, corruption accusations have arisen. Over the past decade, the Olympics have witnessed a surge in financial impropriety, with allegations of corruption trailing organizing committees in Tokyo and Rio.
- In a recent announcement, HP revealed its decision to write down the value of one of its acquisitions by more than $5 billion, which amounts to almost half of the acquisition price, citing “serious accounting improprieties, misrepresentation, and disclosure failures.”
- Impropriety这个单词做名词使用,其表示“an indecent or improper act”这一含义,即“不诚实(或不正当、不合适)的行为举止/不得体的行为“,与inappropriateness /unfitness /indecency/ indecorum这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The alleged financial improprieties of Felipe’s father, former King Juan Carlos I, have put Spain’s royal house in its most challenging situation since the restoration of democracy in the late 1970s.(费利佩的父亲、前国王胡安·卡洛斯一世涉嫌财务不当行为,使西班牙王室处于自1970年代后期恢复民主以来最具挑战性的境地。)
–History - In many countries, smoking in public spaces is considered an impropriety, as it not only poses health risks to others but also disregards the social norms and etiquette of respecting non-smokers’ rights to breathe clean air.(在许多国家,在公共场所吸烟被认为是不当行为,因为它不仅对他人构成健康风险,而且无视尊重非吸烟者呼吸清洁空气权利的社会规范和礼仪。)
–Culture - In 2011, HP acquired Autonomy, a company with software for data searching and sorting. However, just one year later, HP had to reduce its value by $8.8 billion, citing the discovery of significant accounting improprieties.(2011年,惠普收购了Autonomy,这是一家提供数据搜索和排序软件的公司。然而,仅仅一年后,惠普就不得不将其价值减少 88 亿美元,理由是发现了重大的会计不当行为。)
–Business - During the spring, allegations of financial improprieties within the team surfaced when Jason Friedman, a former Washington sales executive, testified before Congress. He claimed that the team deliberately withheld security deposits and engaged in other misconduct.(今年春天,当华盛顿前销售主管杰森·弗里德曼在国会作证时,有关团队内部财务不当的指控浮出水面。他声称,该小组故意扣留保证金并从事其他不当行为。)
– Business - AWS’ competence in managing cloud infrastructure at a massive scale is beyond question, and it is essential to note that there are no allegations of any improprieties in the decision-making process.(AWS在大规模管理云基础设施方面的能力是毋庸置疑的,必须注意的是,在决策过程中没有任何不当行为的指控。)
–Technology - The investigation revealed that faculty members’ strong and long-standing connections with contractors gave rise to improprieties, including instances where they neglected to specify building details until after the contract had already been awarded.(调查显示,教职员工与承包商的牢固和长期联系导致了不当行为,包括他们在合同授予之前忽略了具体说明建筑细节的情况。)