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  1. To deprave means to cause harm to someone’s moral character or to make something morally corrupt. It involves influencing or leading someone or something into behaving in an immoral or wicked manner.
  2. We have observed the transformation of Macbeth from a noble and honorable soldier, willing to sacrifice his life for the king and country, into a vile and depraved murderer devoid of guilt or moral values.
  3. I’m such a devoted fan of the HBO series “Succession,” which revolves around an ethically depraved and extremely wealthy media family, that I catch myself humming its theme song in the shower and have taken to wearing authoritative pantsuits.
  4. Before 1959, publishers who included any “indecent passage” in a book that had the potential to deprave and pervert those susceptible to immoral influences could face imprisonment.
  5. In her speech on Thursday, Whitmer expressed gratitude to law enforcement and expressed her hope that the criminal charges would result in convictions, bringing these sick and morally depraved individuals to justice.
  6. Malkovich, at 65 years old, is making a stage comeback in London to star in the world premiere of David Mamet’s play “Bitter Wheat,” which narrates the downfall of a morally depraved Hollywood mogul.


  1. Deprave这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to corrupt morally”这一含义,即“堕落/腐化/败坏/诋毁”,与corrupt/degrade/deteriorate/debase/demoralize这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The most compelling argument against basic income is the most obvious one: if everyone receives money without any obligation to contribute, there is a risk of individuals becoming morally depraved and idle.(反对基本收入的最令人信服的论据是最明显的:如果每个人都在没有做出任何贡献的情况下收到金钱,那么个人就有道德堕落和无所事事的风险。)
  • While such conduct may not be deemed notably extravagant or depraved according to the prevailing norms of the year’s most significant horse-racing occasion, the Derby officials encountered Welker in a joyful and optimistic demeanor.(虽然根据今年最重要赛马盛会的普遍规范,这种行为可能不会被视为特别奢侈或腐化,但德比郡官员却以快乐和乐观的举止迎接韦尔克。)
  • After his suicide at the crime scene, the brain of the mass murderer was sent to Stanford University for research in order to investigate any potential biological explanations for this depraved act.(在犯罪现场自杀后,这位大屠杀罪犯的大脑被送到斯坦福大学进行研究,以调查这种堕落行为的任何潜在生物学解释。)
  • Today, a significant inquiry into the illegal trafficking of wildlife reveals, for the first time, the identities of prominent smugglers and establishes connections between their illicit trade and depraved high-ranking officials in a particular Asian nation.(今天,一项对非法贩运野生动物的重大调查首次揭示了著名走私者的身份,并确定了他们的非法贸易与特定亚洲国家的堕落高级官员之间的联系。)
  • Environmental groups and researchers report that numerous unlawful mining activities receive funding from Jakarta-based businessmen while being shielded by depraved local government officials, soldiers, and police officers.(环保组织和研究人员报告说,许多非法采矿活动从雅加达商人那里获得资金,同时受到腐化的地方政府官员,士兵和警察的保护。)
  • The website management strongly advises individuals with heart conditions to consult their doctors before accessing the first slide due to its morally depraved and horrifying content.(网站管理层强烈建议患有心脏病的个人在访问第一张幻灯片之前咨询他们的医生,因为它在道德上是败坏和可怕的内容。)


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